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The Italian Church Opens Priesthood to Homosexuals

The Italian Church Opens Priesthood to Homosexuals

Italian Church Opens Priesthood to Homosexuals

The Catholic Church in Italy has taken a significant step by allowing homosexual men to become priests, provided they adhere to a vow of chastity. This decision, endorsed by the Vatican, is outlined in a provisional document recently approved by the Italian Episcopal Conference.

According to the document, homosexuality is not an automatic barrier to joining seminaries or being ordained, as long as it is not publicly displayed or associated with activism. Celibacy remains a cornerstone requirement for all aspiring priests, regardless of sexual orientation.

Clear Boundaries

The guidelines specify that candidates practicing homosexuality or promoting a gay culture cannot be admitted. This framework ensures that candidates align with the Church’s spiritual commitments without making their sexual orientation a public or political issue.

Read also : African priests reject Pope’s endorsement of gay marriages

A Step Towards Inclusivity

For Father Joël Pralong, who has written extensively on homosexuality in the Church, this development acknowledges a reality within the clergy: “God calls people regardless of their sexual orientation. This step breaks the taboo and highlights inclusivity.”

However, queer advocacy groups, particularly in Switzerland, are calling for a more official acknowledgment of this stance, which they believe would send a powerful message of acceptance and progress.

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